Archive | Performance

resistance bands

Why you should be using resistance bands

by Brett Holland, PT, DPT, CSCS 09/20/2015 Benefits: – A 2015 systematic review published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that training with variable resistance (chains and bands) resulted in significantly greater strength gains compared to conventional weight training [1]. -The same review also found that chains and bands attached to a […]

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Does lifting slow make you slow? What the science tells us

by  Brett Holland, PT, DPT CSCS 09/25/2015 Overview -The human body is generally considered to have 3 muscle fiber types Type I=slow twitch (oxidative) Type IIa=fast twitch oxidative glycolytic (meaning fast but also has some endurance properties) Type X= ultra fast (glycolytic) What are the normal percentages of each? Costill et al. found untrained individuals to […]

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